Seems that a Texas school has suspended a 9-year-old for threatening another student with a replica One Ring. (Yes, that One Ring.) I’ve written about this sort of thing before: These so-called zero-tolerance policies are actually zero-discretion policies. They’re policies that must be followed, no situational discretion allowed. We encounter them whenever we go through … Read More “Texas School Overreaction” »
Month: February 2015
overreactions, Security technology, securitypolicies
colombia, cryptography, kidnapping, music, Security technology, steganography
In Colombia: The team began experimenting with Morse code using various percussion instruments and a keyboard. They learned that operators skilled in Morse code can often read the signals at a rate of 40 words per minute but played that fast, the beat would sound like a European Dance track. “We discovered the magic … Read More “Hiding a Morse Code Message in a Pop Song” »