Stuxnet famously used legitimate digital certificates to sign its malware. A research paper from last year found that the practice is much more common than previously thought. Now, researchers have presented proof that digitally signed malware is much more common than previously believed. What’s more, it predated Stuxnet, with the first known instance occurring in … Read More “Signed Malware” »
Month: February 2018
academicpapers, antivirus, certificates, forgery, malware, Security technology, signatures, stuxnet
atms, malware, physicalsecurity, Security technology, tamperdetection, theft
Brian Krebs is reporting sophisticated jackpotting attacks against US ATMs. The attacker gains physical access to the ATM, plants malware using specialized electronics, and then later returns and forces the machine to dispense all the cash it has inside. The Secret Service alert explains that the attackers typically use an endoscope — a slender, flexible … Read More “Jackpotting Attacks Against US ATMs” »