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Month: March 2021
Microsoft has issued an emergency Microsoft Exchange patch to fix four zero-day vulnerabilities currently being exploited by China. Powered by WPeMatico
Check Point has evidence that (probably government affiliated) Chinese hackers stole and cloned an NSA Windows hacking tool years before (probably government affiliated) Russian hackers stole and then published the same tool. Here’s the timeline: The timeline basically seems to be, according to Check Point: 2013: NSA’s Equation Group developed a set of exploits including … Read More “Chinese Hackers Stole an NSA Windows Exploit in 2014” »
NASA made an oblique reference to a coded message in the color pattern of the Perseverance Mars Lander ‘s parachute. More information. Powered by WPeMatico
This is weird: Once an hour, infected Macs check a control server to see if there are any new commands the malware should run or binaries to execute. So far, however, researchers have yet to observe delivery of any payload on any of the infected 30,000 machines, leaving the malware’s ultimate goal unknown. The lack … Read More “Mysterious Macintosh Malware” »
Early in 2020, cyberspace attackers apparently working for the Russian government compromised a piece of widely used network management software made by a company called SolarWinds. The hack gave the attackers access to the computer networks of some 18,000 of SolarWinds’s customers, including US government agencies such as the Homeland Security Department and State Department, … Read More “National Security Risks of Late-Stage Capitalism” »