Most US critical infrastructure is run by private corporations. This has major security implications, because it’s putting a random power company in — say — Ohio — up against the Russian cybercommand, which isn’t a fair fight. When this problem is discussed, people regularly quote the statistic that 85% of US critical infrastructure is in … Read More “Is 85% of US Critical Infrastructure in Private Hands?” »
Month: May 2021
A classic. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here. Powered by WPeMatico
President Biden signed an executive order to improve government cybersecurity, setting new security standards for software sold to the federal government. For the first time, the United States will require all software purchased by the federal government to meet, within six months, a series of new cybersecurity standards. Although the companies would have to “self-certify,” … Read More “New US Executive Order on Cybersecurity” »
I have 80 copies of my 2000 book Beyond Fear available at the very cheap price of $5 plus shipping. Note that there is a 20% chance that your book will have a “BT Counterpane” sticker on the front cover. Order your signed copy here. Powered by WPeMatico
Microsoft researchers just released an open-source automation tool for security testing AI systems: “Counterfit.” Details on their blog. Powered by WPeMatico
This is a major story: a probably Russian cybercrime group called DarkSide shut down the Colonial Pipeline in a ransomware attack. The pipeline supplies much of the East Coast. This is the new and improved ransomware attack: the hackers stole nearly 100 gig of data, and are threatening to publish it. The White House has … Read More “Ransomware Shuts Down US Pipeline” »
This is a newly unclassified NSA history of its reaction to academic cryptography in the 1970s: “NSA Comes Out of the Closet: The Debate over Public Cryptography in the Inman Era,” Cryptographic Quarterly, Spring 1996, author still classified. Powered by WPeMatico
A town in Japan built a giant squid statue with its COVID relief grant. One local told the Chunichi Shimbun newspaper that while the statue may be effective in the long run, the money could have been used for “urgent support,” such as for medical staff and long-term care facilities. But a spokesperson for the … Read More “Friday Squid Blogging: COVID Relief Funds” »
A new draft of an Australian educational curriculum proposes teaching children as young as five cybersecurity: The proposed curriculum aims to teach five-year-old children — an age at which Australian kids first attend school — not to share information such as date of birth or full names with strangers, and that they should consult parents … Read More “Teaching Cybersecurity to Children” »
Nice video of a talk by Chris Shore on the history of Colossus. Powered by WPeMatico