New research on the changing migration of the Doryteuthis opalescens as a result of climate change. News article: Stanford researchers have solved a mystery about why a species of squid native to California has been found thriving in the Gulf of Alaska about 1,800 miles north of its expected range: climate change. As usual, you … Read More “Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Migration and Climate Change” »
Month: April 2022
academic papers, Security technology, squid, Uncategorized
computer security, passwords, Security technology, two-factor authentication, Uncategorized
These techniques are not new, but they’re increasingly popular: …some forms of MFA are stronger than others, and recent events show that these weaker forms aren’t much of a hurdle for some hackers to clear. In the past few months, suspected script kiddies like the Lapsus$ data extortion gang and elite Russian-state threat actors (like … Read More “Bypassing Two-Factor Authentication” »