A Brazilian spyware app vendor was hacked by activists: In an undated note seen by TechCrunch, the unnamed hackers described how they found and exploited several security vulnerabilities that allowed them to compromise WebDetetive’s servers and access its user databases. By exploiting other flaws in the spyware maker’s web dashboard—used by abusers to access the … Read More “Spyware Vendor Hacked” »
Category: activism
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Google researchers discovered a MacOS zero-day exploit being used against Hong Kong activists. It was a “watering hole” attack, which means the malware was hidden in a legitimate website. Users visiting that website would get infected. From an article: Google’s researchers were able to trigger the exploits and study them by visiting the websites compromised … Read More “MacOS Zero-Day Used against Hong Kong Activists” »
Carolyn McCarthy gave an excellent TEDx talk about becoming a tech policy activist. It’s a powerful call for public-interest technologists. Powered by WPeMatico
WhatsApp is suing the Israeli cyberweapons arms manufacturer NSO Group in California court: WhatsApp’s lawsuit, filed in a California court on Tuesday, has demanded a permanent injunction blocking NSO from attempting to access WhatsApp computer systems and those of its parent company, Facebook. It has also asked the court to rule that NSO violated US … Read More “WhatsApp Sues NSO Group” »