We’ve now had an (unsuccessful) assassination attempt by explosive-laden drones. Powered by WPeMatico
Category: assassinations
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One follow-on to the story of Crypto AG being owned by the CIA: this interview with a Washington Post reporter. The whole thing is worth reading or listening to, but I was struck by these two quotes at the end: …in South America, for instance, many of the governments that were using Crypto machines were … Read More “More on Crypto AG” »
This teapot has two chambers. Liquid is released from one or the other depending on whether an air hole is covered. I want one. Powered by WPeMatico
I haven’t seen much press mention about the leaked CIA documents that have appeared on WikiLeaks this month. There are three: The CIA review of high-value target assassination programs, classified SECRET, from 2009. The CIA’s advice for agents going through airport security and surviving secondary screening, classified SECRET, from 2011. The CIA’s advice for agents … Read More “Leaked CIA Documents” »