There are some good lessons in this article on financial fraud: That’s how we got it so wrong. We were looking for incidental breaches of technical regulations, not systematic crime. And the thing is, that’s normal. The nature of fraud is that it works outside your field of vision, subverting the normal checks and balances … Read More “On Financial Fraud” »
Category: banking
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Apple is rolling out an iOS security usability feature called Security code AutoFill. The basic idea is that the OS scans incoming SMS messages for security codes and suggests them in AutoFill, so that people can use them without having to memorize or type them. Sounds like a really good idea, but Andreas Gutmann points … Read More “Perverse Vulnerability from Interaction between 2-Factor Authentication and iOS AutoFill” »
Ross Anderson has a new paper on cryptocurrency exchanges. From his blog: Bitcoin Redux explains what’s going wrong in the world of cryptocurrencies. The bitcoin exchanges are developing into a shadow banking system, which do not give their customers actual bitcoin but rather display a “balance” and allow them to transact with others. However if … Read More “Regulating Bitcoin” »
This seems like an absolute disaster: The very short version is that a UK bank, TSB, which had been merged into and then many years later was spun out of Lloyds Bank, was bought by the Spanish bank Banco Sabadell in 2015. Lloyds had continued to run the TSB systems and was to transfer them … Read More “TSB Bank Disaster” »
This video purports to be a bank robbery in Kiev. He first threatens a teller, who basically ignores him because she’s behind bullet-proof glass. But then the robber threatens one of her co-workers, who is on his side of the glass. Interesting example of a security system failing for an unexpected reason. The video is … Read More “Bank Robbery Tactic” »
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Ross Anderson describes DigiTally, a secure payments system for use in areas where there is little or no network connectivity. Powered by WPeMatico