In this detailed article about academic plagiarism are some interesting details about how to do data forensics on Excel files. It really needs the graphics to understand, so see the description at the link. (And, yes, an author of a paper on dishonesty is being accused of dishonesty. There’s more evidence.) Powered by WPeMatico
Category: data mining
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academic, data mining, microsoft, plagiarism, Security technology, Uncategorized
cell phones, data collection, data mining, de-anonymization, geolocation, privacy, Security technology, surveillance, Uncategorized
A Catholic priest was outed through commercially available surveillance data. Vice has a good analysis: The news starkly demonstrates not only the inherent power of location data, but how the chance to wield that power has trickled down from corporations and intelligence agencies to essentially any sort of disgruntled, unscrupulous, or dangerous individual. A growing … Read More “Commercial Location Data Used to Out Priest” »