The Diqee 360 robotic vacuum cleaner can be turned into a surveillance device. The attack requires physical access to the device, so in the scheme of things it’s not a big deal. But why in the world is the vacuum equipped with a microphone? Powered by WPeMatico
Category: eavesdropping
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A new PGP vulnerability was announced today. Basically, the vulnerability makes use of the fact that modern e-mail programs allow for embedded HTML objects. Essentially, if an attacker can intercept and modify a message in transit, he can insert code that sends the plaintext in a URL to a remote website. Very clever. The EFAIL … Read More “Details on a New PGP Vulnerability” »
Interesting idea: …we present Oblivious DNS (ODNS), which is a new design of the DNS ecosystem that allows current DNS servers to remain unchanged and increases privacy for data in motion and at rest. In the ODNS system, both the client is modified with a local resolver, and there is a new authoritative name server … Read More “Oblivious DNS” »
Politico reports that White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s cell phone was compromised back in December. I know this is news because of who he is, but I hope every major government official of any country assumes that their commercial off-the-shelf cell phone is compromised. Even allies spy on allies; remember the reports that … Read More “White House Chief of Staff John Kelly’s Cell Phone was Tapped” »
For once, the real story isn’t as bad as it seems. A researcher has figured out how to install malware onto an Echo that causes it to stream audio back to a remote controller, but: The technique requires gaining physical access to the target Echo, and it works only on devices sold before 2017. But … Read More “Turning an Amazon Echo into an Eavesdropping Device” »
“Traffic shaping” — the practice of tricking data to flow through a particular route on the Internet so it can be more easily surveiled — is an NSA technique that has gotten much less attention than it deserves. It’s a powerful technique that allows an eavesdropper to get access to communications channels it would otherwise … Read More “More on the NSA’s Use of Traffic Shaping” »
Reports are that President Trump is still using his old Android phone. There are security risks here, but they are not the obvious ones. I’m not concerned about the data. Anything he reads on that screen is coming from the insecure network that we all use, and any e-mails, texts, Tweets, and whatever are going … Read More “Security Risks of the President's Android Phone” »
Surprising no one who has been following this sort of thing, headphones can be used as microphones. Powered by WPeMatico
Interesting research: “Don’t Skype & Type! Acoustic Eavesdropping in Voice-Over-IP“: Abstract: Acoustic emanations of computer keyboards represent a serious privacy issue. As demonstrated in prior work, spectral and temporal properties of keystroke sounds might reveal what a user is typing. However, previous attacks assumed relatively strong adversary models that are not very practical in many … Read More “Eavesdropping on Typing Over Voice-Over-IP” »
Research paper: “Security and Privacy Vulnerabilities of In-Car Wireless Networks: A Tire Pressure Monitoring System Case Study,” by Ishtiaq Rouf, Rob Miller, Hossen Mustafa, Travis Taylor, Sangho Oh, Wenyuan Xu, Marco Gruteser, Wade Trapper, Ivan Seskar: Abstract: Wireless networks are being integrated into the modern automobile. The security and privacy implications of such in-car networks, … Read More “Hacking Wireless Tire-Pressure Monitoring System” »