These researchers had LLMs play chess against better opponents. When they couldn’t win, they sometimes resorted to cheating. Researchers gave the models a seemingly impossible task: to win against Stockfish, which is one of the strongest chess engines in the world and a much better player than any human, or any of the AI models … Read More “More Research Showing AI Breaking the Rules” »
Category: games
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World of Warcraft players wrote about a fictional game element, “Glorbo,” on a subreddit for the game, trying to entice an AI bot to write an article about it. It worked: And it…worked. Zleague auto-published a post titled “World of Warcraft Players Excited For Glorbo’s Introduction.” […] That is…all essentially nonsense. The article was left … Read More “Fooling an AI Article Writer” »
Gandalf is an interactive LLM game where the goal is to get the chatbot to reveal its password. There are eight levels of difficulty, as the chatbot gets increasingly restrictive instructions as to how it will answer. It’s a great teaching tool. I am stuck on Level 7. Feel free to give hints and discuss … Read More “Practice Your Security Prompting Skills” »
Amusing parody of password rules. BoingBoing: For example, at a certain level, your password must include today’s Wordle answer. And then there’s rule #27: “At least 50% of your password must be in the Wingdings font.” Powered by WPeMatico
People are leaking classified military information on discussion boards for the video game War Thunder to win arguments—repeatedly. Powered by WPeMatico
Black Hat is a hacker-themed board game. Powered by WPeMatico
It’s called “Squid Fishering.” As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here. Powered by WPeMatico
News article: Most troublingly, Activision says that the “cheat” tool has been advertised multiple times on a popular cheating forum under the title “new COD hack.” (Gamers looking to flout the rules will typically go to such forums to find new ways to do so.) While the report doesn’t mention which forum they were posted … Read More “Malware Hidden in Call of Duty Cheating Software” »
The US Cyber Command has released a series of ten Valentine’s Day “Cryptography Challenge Puzzles.” Slashdot thread. Reddit thread. (And here’s the archived link, in case Cyber Command takes the page down.) Powered by WPeMatico
How in the world did I not know about this for three years? Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed a robot that always wins at rock-paper-scissors. It watches the human player’s hand, figures out which finger position the human is about to deploy, and reacts quickly enough to always win. Powered by WPeMatico