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Category: gchq
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This paper describes a SIGINT and code-breaking alliance between Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and France called Maximator: Abstract: This article is first to report on the secret European five-partner sigint alliance Maximator that started in the late 1970s. It discloses the name Maximator and provides documentary evidence. The five members of this European alliance … Read More “Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands and France SIGINT Alliance” »
Back in January, two senior GCHQ officials proposed a specific backdoor for communications systems. It was universally derided as unworkable — by me, as well. Now Jon Callas of the ACLU explains why. Powered by WPeMatico
GCHQ has put simulators for the Enigma, Typex, and Bombe on the Internet. News article. Powered by WPeMatico
Last week, I evaluated the security of a recent GCHQ backdoor proposal for communications systems. Furthering the debate, Nate Cardozo and Seth Schoen of EFF explain how this sort of backdoor can be detected: In fact, we think when the ghost feature is active — silently inserting a secret eavesdropping member into an otherwise end-to-end … Read More “Hacking the GCHQ Backdoor” »
The so-called Crypto Wars have been going on for 25 years now. Basically, the FBI — and some of their peer agencies in the UK, Australia, and elsewhere — argue that the pervasive use of civilian encryption is hampering their ability to solve crimes and that they need the tech companies to make their systems … Read More “Evaluating the GCHQ Exceptional Access Proposal” »
The UK’s GCHQ delivers a brutally blunt assessment of quantum key distribution: QKD protocols address only the problem of agreeing keys for encrypting data. Ubiquitous on-demand modern services (such as verifying identities and data integrity, establishing network sessions, providing access control, and automatic software updates) rely more on authentication and integrity mechanisms — such as … Read More “GCHQ on Quantum Key Distribution” »
Now this is good news. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) — part of GCHQ — found a serious vulnerability in Windows Defender (their anti-virus component). Instead of keeping it secret and all of us vulnerable, it alerted Microsoft. I’d like believe the US does this, too. Powered by WPeMatico
Le Monde and the Intercept are reporting about NSA spying in Africa, and NSA spying on in-flight mobile phone calls — both from the Snowden documents. Powered by WPeMatico
The Intercept has an extraordinary story: the NSA and/or GCHQ hacked into the Dutch SIM card manufacturer Gemalto, stealing the encryption keys for billions of cell phones. People are still trying to figure out exactly what this means, but it seems to mean that the intelligence agencies have access to both voice and data from … Read More “NSA/GCHQ Hacks SIM Card Database and Steals Billions of Keys” »