I am deeply skeptical of the FBI’s announcement on Friday that North Korea was behind last month’s Sony hack. The agency’s evidence is tenuous, and I have a hard time believing it. But I also have trouble believing that the US government would make the accusation this formally if officials didn’t believe it. Clues in … Read More “Did North Korea Really Attack Sony?” »
Category: hacking
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North Korea has been knocked off the Internet by a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Maybe the US did it, and maybe not. This whole incident is a perfect illustration of how technology is equalizing capability. In both the original attack against Sony, and this attack against North Korea, we can’t tell the difference between a … Read More “North Korea DDoSed Off the Internet” »
Interesting article talks about the 2008 cyberattack against a Turkish oil pipeline: For western intelligence agencies, the blowout was a watershed event. Hackers had shut down alarms, cut off communications and super-pressurized the crude oil in the line, according to four people familiar with the incident who asked not to be identified because details of … Read More “2008 Cyberattack Against Turkish Oil Pipeline” »
First we thought North Korea was behind the Sony cyberattacks. Then we thought it was a couple of hacker guys with an axe to grind. Now we think North Korea is behind it again, but the connection is still tenuous. There have been accusations of cyberterrorism, and even cyberwar. I’ve heard calls for us to … Read More “Reacting to the Sony Hack” »
Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer systems and began revealing many of the Hollywood studio’s best-kept secrets, from details about unreleased movies to embarrassing emails (notably some racist notes from Sony bigwigs about President Barack Obama’s presumed movie-watching preferences) to the personnel data … Read More “Lessons from the Sony Hack” »
Citizen Lab has a new report on a probable ISIS-launched cyberattack: This report describes a malware attack with circumstantial links to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. In the interest of highlighting a developing threat, this post analyzes the attack and provides a list of Indicators of Compromise. A Syrian citizen media group critical … Read More “ISIS Cyberattacks” »
The Intercept has published an article — based on the Snowden documents — about AURORAGOLD, an NSA surveillance operation against cell phone network operators and standards bodies worldwide. This is not a typical NSA surveillance operation where agents identify the bad guys and spy on them. This is an operation where the NSA spies on … Read More “NSA Hacking of Cell Phone Networks” »
Good paper, and layman’s explanation. Internet voting scares me. It gives hackers the potential to seriously disrupt our democratic processes. Powered by WPeMatico
Kaspersky Labs is reporting (detailed report here, technical details here) on a sophisticated hacker group that is targeting specific individuals around the world. “Darkhotel” is the name the group and its techniques has been given. This APT precisely drives its campaigns by spear-phishing targets with highly advanced Flash zero-day exploits that effectively evade the latest … Read More “Sophisticated Targeted Attack Via Hotel Networks” »