The trade-offs are changing: As countries around the world race to contain the pandemic, many are deploying digital surveillance tools as a means to exert social control, even turning security agency technologies on their own civilians. Health and law enforcement authorities are understandably eager to employ every tool at their disposal to try to hinder … Read More “Privacy vs. Surveillance in the Age of COVID-19” »
Category: medicine
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The TSA is allowing people to bring larger bottles of hand sanitizer with them on airplanes: Passengers will now be allowed to travel with containers of liquid hand sanitizer up to 12 ounces. However, the agency cautioned that the shift could mean slightly longer waits at checkpoint because the containers may have to be screened … Read More “TSA Admits Liquid Ban Is Security Theater” »
The world is racing to contain the new COVID-19 virus that is spreading around the globe with alarming speed. Right now, pandemic disease experts at the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other public-health agencies are gathering information to learn how and where the virus is spreading. … Read More “Security of Health Information” »
This isn’t a first, but I think it will be the first conviction: The GIF set off a highly unusual court battle that is expected to equip those in similar circumstances with a new tool for battling threatening trolls and cyberbullies. On Monday, the man who sent Eichenwald the moving image, John Rayne Rivello, was … Read More “Attacker Causes Epileptic Seizure over the Internet” »
MIT Technology Review is reporting about an infrared laser device that can identify people by their unique cardiac signature at a distance: A new device, developed for the Pentagon after US Special Forces requested it, can identify people without seeing their face: instead it detects their unique cardiac signature with an infrared laser. While it … Read More “Cardiac Biometric” »
When the next pandemic strikes, we’ll be fighting it on two fronts. The first is the one you immediately think about: understanding the disease, researching a cure and inoculating the population. The second is new, and one you might not have thought much about: fighting the deluge of rumors, misinformation and flat-out lies that will … Read More “Fake News and Pandemics” »
In what I am sure is only a first in many similar demonstrations, researchers are able to add or remove cancer signs from CT scans. The results easily fool radiologists. I don’t think the medical device industry has thought at all about data integrity and authentication issues. In a world where sensor data of all … Read More “Maliciously Tampering with Medical Imagery” »
The FDA has approved a pill with an embedded sensor that can report when it is swallowed. The pill transmits information to a wearable patch, which in turn transmits information to a smartphone. Powered by WPeMatico
New US government report: “Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry.” It’s pretty scathing, but nothing in it will surprise regular readers of this blog. It’s worth reading the executive summary, and then skimming the recommendations. Recommendations are in six areas. The Task Force identified six high-level imperatives by which to organize its … Read More “Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Report” »
This is a good summary article about the horrible security of St. Jude pacemakers, and the history of the company not doing anything about it. Powered by WPeMatico