In this detailed article about academic plagiarism are some interesting details about how to do data forensics on Excel files. It really needs the graphics to understand, so see the description at the link. (And, yes, an author of a paper on dishonesty is being accused of dishonesty. There’s more evidence.) Powered by WPeMatico
Category: plagiarism
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deanonymization, machinelearning, plagiarism, privacy, Security technology
Fascinating research de-anonymizing code — from either source code or compiled code: Rachel Greenstadt, an associate professor of computer science at Drexel University, and Aylin Caliskan, Greenstadt’s former PhD student and now an assistant professor at George Washington University, have found that code, like other forms of stylistic expression, are not anonymous. At the DefCon … Read More “Identifying Programmers by their Coding Style” »