There’s a new international survey on Internet security and trust, of “23,376 Internet users in 24 countries,” including “Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey and the United States.” Amongst the findings, 60% of Internet … Read More “Over 700 Million People Taking Steps to Avoid NSA Surveillance” »
Category: privacy
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The Intercept has published an article — based on the Snowden documents — about AURORAGOLD, an NSA surveillance operation against cell phone network operators and standards bodies worldwide. This is not a typical NSA surveillance operation where agents identify the bad guys and spy on them. This is an operation where the NSA spies on … Read More “NSA Hacking of Cell Phone Networks” »
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In the Internet age, we have no choice but to entrust our data with private companies: e-mail providers, service providers, retailers, and so on. We realize that this data is at risk from hackers. But there’s another risk as well: the employees of the companies who are holding our data for us. In the early … Read More “Corporations Misusing Our Data” »
The Denver police are using olfactometers to measure the concentration of cannabis in the air. I haven’t found any technical information about these devices, their sensitivity, range, etc. Powered by WPeMatico
Interesting essay on the future of speech recognition, microphone miniaturization, and the future ubiquity of auditory surveillance. Powered by WPeMatico
A new story based on the Snowden documents and published in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung shows how the GCHQ worked with Cable & Wireless — acquired by Vodafone in 2012 — to eavesdrop on Internet and telecommunications traffic. New documents on the page, and here. Ars Technica article. Slashdot thread. Powered by WPeMatico
Regin is another military–grade surveillance malware (tech details from Symantec and Kaspersky). It seems to have been in operation between 2008 and 2011. The Intercept has linked it to NSA/GCHQ operations, although I am still skeptical of the NSA/GCHQ hacking Belgian cryptographer Jean-Jacques Quisquater. Powered by WPeMatico
AP is reporting that in 2009, several senior NSA officials objected to the NSA call-records collection program. The now-retired NSA official, a longtime code-breaker who rose to top management, had just learned in 2009 about the top secret program that was created shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He says he argued to then-NSA … Read More “Pre-Snowden Debate About NSA Call-Records Collection Program” »
Pew Research has released a new survey on American’s perceptions of privacy. The results are pretty much in line with all the other surveys on privacy I’ve read. As Cory Doctorow likes to say, we’ve reached “peak indifference to surveillance.” Powered by WPeMatico