I have long said that driving a car is the most dangerous thing regularly do in our lives. Turns out deaths due to automobiles are declining, while deaths due to firearms are on the rise: Guns and cars have long been among the leading causes of non-medical deaths in the U.S. By 2015, firearm fatalities … Read More “Common Risks in America: Cars and Guns” »
Category: risks
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cars, guns, riskassessment, risks, Security technology
academicpapers, cybercrime, cybersecurity, cyberterrorism, economicsofsecurity, nationalsecuritypolicy, overreactions, riskassessment, risks, Security technology
Robert Lee and Thomas Rid have a new paper: “OMG Cyber! Thirteen Reasons Why Hype Makes for Bad Policy.” Powered by WPeMatico
fear, psychologyofsecurity, riskassessment, risks, Security technology
Interesting data: Turning to the crime section of the Chapman Survey on American Fears, the team discovered findings that not only surprised them, but also those who work in fields pertaining to crime. “What we found when we asked a series of questions pertaining to fears of various crimes is that a majority of Americans … Read More “Survey on What Americans Fear” »