A decade ago, the Doghouse was a regular feature in both my email newsletter Crypto-Gram and my blog. In it, I would call out particularly egregious — and amusing — examples of cryptographic “snake oil.” I dropped it both because it stopped being fun and because almost everyone converged on standard cryptographic libraries, which meant … Read More “The Doghouse: Crown Sterling” »
Category: schneierslaw
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cryptography, doghouse, schneierslaw, Security technology, snakeoil
academicpapers, artificialintelligence, encryption, schneierslaw, Security technology
Researchers have trained a neural network to encrypt its communications. In their experiment, computers were able to make their own form of encryption using machine learning, without being taught specific cryptographic algorithms. The encryption was very basic, especially compared to our current human-designed systems. Even so, it is still an interesting step for neural nets, … Read More “Teaching a Neural Network to Encrypt” »