The latest Intercept article on the Snowden documents talks about the NSA’s undercover operatives working in foreign companies. There are no specifics, although the countries China, Germany, and South Korea are mentioned. It’s also hard to tell if the NSA has undercover operatives working in companies in those countries, or has undercover contractors visiting those … Read More “NSA Has Undercover Operatives in Foreign Companies” »
Category: Security technology
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Security technology
Security technology
Recipe from Tom Douglas. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered. Powered by WPeMatico
Security technology
Good essay by Molly Sauter: basically, there is no legal avenue for activism and protest on the Internet. Also note Sauter’s new book, The Coming Swarm. Powered by WPeMatico
Security technology
This article reads like snake oil. But the company was founded by Lars Knudsen, so it can’t possibly be. I’m curious. Powered by WPeMatico