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Category: steganography
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The Washington Post is reporting on a hack to fool automatic resume sorting programs: putting text in a white font. The idea is that the programs rely primarily on simple pattern matching, and the trick is to copy a list of relevant keywords—or the published job description—into the resume in a white font. The computer … Read More “Hacking AI Resume Screening with Text in a White Font” »
New research suggests that AIs can produce perfectly secure steganographic images: Abstract: Steganography is the practice of encoding secret information into innocuous content in such a manner that an adversarial third party would not realize that there is hidden meaning. While this problem has classically been studied in security literature, recent advances in generative models … Read More “AI-Generated Steganography” »
From an article about Zheng Xiaoqing, an American convicted of spying for China: According to a Department of Justice (DOJ) indictment, the US citizen hid confidential files stolen from his employers in the binary code of a digital photograph of a sunset, which Mr Zheng then mailed to himself. Powered by WPeMatico
Really interesting research demonstrating how to hide vulnerabilities in source code by manipulating how Unicode text is displayed. It’s really clever, and not the sort of attack one would normally think about. From Ross Anderson’s blog: We have discovered ways of manipulating the encoding of source code files so that human viewers and compilers see … Read More “Hiding Vulnerabilities in Source Code” »
NASA made an oblique reference to a coded message in the color pattern of the Perseverance Mars Lander ‘s parachute. More information. Powered by WPeMatico
Artist Katie Holten has developed a tree code (basically, a font in trees), and New York City is using it to plant secret messages in parks. Powered by WPeMatico
This is a fun steganographic application: hiding a message in a fingerprint image. Can’t see any real use for it, but that’s okay. Powered by WPeMatico
Interesting research in steganography at the font level. Powered by WPeMatico
This is a really interesting research result. This paper proves that two parties can create a secure communications channel using a communications system with a backdoor. It’s a theoretical result, so it doesn’t talk about how easy that channel is to create. And the assumptions on the adversary are pretty reasonable: that each party can … Read More “Subverting Backdoored Encrryption” »