Pew Research has released a new survey on American’s perceptions of privacy. The results are pretty much in line with all the other surveys on privacy I’ve read. As Cory Doctorow likes to say, we’ve reached “peak indifference to surveillance.” Powered by WPeMatico
Category: surveillance
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cellphones, control, privacy, Security technology, surveillance
nationalsecuritypolicy, nsa, privacy, Security technology, surveillance
Orin Kerr has a new article that argues for narrowly constructing national security law: This Essay argues that Congress should adopt a rule of narrow construction of the national security surveillance statutes. Under this interpretive rule, which the Essay calls a “rule of lenity,” ambiguity in the powers granted to the executive branch in the … Read More “Narrowly Constructing National Surveillance Law” »
adobe, books, ebooks, privacy, Security technology, surveillance
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