In what I am sure is only a first in many similar demonstrations, researchers are able to add or remove cancer signs from CT scans. The results easily fool radiologists. I don’t think the medical device industry has thought at all about data integrity and authentication issues. In a world where sensor data of all … Read More “Maliciously Tampering with Medical Imagery” »
Category: tamperdetection
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Micah Lee ran a two-year experiment designed to detect whether or not his laptop was ever tampered with. The results are inconclusive, but demonstrate how difficult it can be to detect laptop tampering. Powered by WPeMatico
“Do Not Disturb” is a Macintosh app that send an alert when the lid is opened. The idea is to detect computer tampering. Wire article: Do Not Disturb goes a step further than just the push notification. Using the Do Not Disturb iOS app, a notified user can send themselves a picture snapped with the … Read More “Computer Alarm that Triggers When Lid Is Opened” »
Brian Krebs is reporting sophisticated jackpotting attacks against US ATMs. The attacker gains physical access to the ATM, plants malware using specialized electronics, and then later returns and forces the machine to dispense all the cash it has inside. The Secret Service alert explains that the attackers typically use an endoscope — a slender, flexible … Read More “Jackpotting Attacks Against US ATMs” »
Edward Snowden and Nathan Freitas have created an Android app that detects when it’s being tampered with. The basic idea is to put the app on a second phone and put the app on or near something important, like your laptop. The app can then text you — and also record audio and video — … Read More “Tamper-Detection App for Android” »
Last year, I wrote about the potential for doxers to alter documents before they leaked them. It was a theoretical threat when I wrote it, but now Citizen Lab has documented this technique in the wild: This report describes an extensive Russia-linked phishing and disinformation campaign. It provides evidence of how documents stolen from a … Read More “Tainted Leaks” »