Sometimes it’s hard to tell the corporate surveillance operations from the government ones: Google reportedly has a database called Sensorvault in which it stores location data for millions of devices going back almost a decade. The article is about geofence warrants, where the police go to companies like Google and ask for information about every … Read More “Google Receives Geofence Warrants” »
Category: tracking
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EFF has published a comprehensible and very readable “deep dive” into the technologies of corporate surveillance, both on the Internet and off. Well worth reading and sharing. Boing Boing post. Powered by WPeMatico
Free Wi-Fi hotspots can track your location, even if you don’t connect to them. This is because your phone or computer broadcasts a unique MAC address. What distinguishes location-based marketing hotspot providers like Zenreach and Euclid is that the personal information you enter in the captive portal — like your email address, phone number, or … Read More “Wi-Fi Hotspot Tracking” »
Long Twitter thread about the tracking embedded in modern digital televisions. The thread references three academic papers. Powered by WPeMatico
This article discusses an e-commerce fraud technique in the UK. Because the Royal Mail only tracks packages to the postcode — and not to the address – it’s possible to commit a variety of different frauds. Tracking systems that rely on signature are not similarly vulnerable. Powered by WPeMatico
Yahoo News reported that the Russians have successfully targeted an FBI communications system: American officials discovered that the Russians had dramatically improved their ability to decrypt certain types of secure communications and had successfully tracked devices used by elite FBI surveillance teams. Officials also feared that the Russians may have devised other ways to monitor … Read More “Russians Hack FBI Comms System” »
Many GPS trackers are shipped with the default password 123456. Many users don’t change them. We just need to eliminate default passwords. This is an easy win. Powered by WPeMatico
From DefCon: At the Defcon hacker conference today, security researcher Truman Kain debuted what he calls the Surveillance Detection Scout. The DIY computer fits into the middle console of a Tesla Model S or Model 3, plugs into its dashboard USB port, and turns the car’s built-in cameras — the same dash and rearview cameras … Read More “Modifying a Tesla to Become a Surveillance Platform” »
Matthew Green intelligently speculates about how Apple’s new “Find My” feature works. If you haven’t already been inspired by the description above, let me phrase the question you ought to be asking: how is this system going to avoid being a massive privacy nightmare? Let me count the concerns: If your device is constantly emitting … Read More “How Apple’s “Find My” Feature Works” »
Data & Society just published a report entitled “Workplace Monitoring & Surveillance“: This explainer highlights four broad trends in employee monitoring and surveillance technologies: Prediction and flagging tools that aim to predict characteristics or behaviors of employees or that are designed to identify or deter perceived rule-breaking or fraud. Touted as useful management tools, they … Read More “On Surveillance in the Workplace” »