The NSA’s “National Cryptographic School Television Catalogue” from 1991 lists about 600 COMSEC and SIGINT training videos. There are a bunch explaining the operations of various cryptographic equipment, and a few code words I have never heard of before. Powered by WPeMatico
Category: videos
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The “long lost lecture” by Adm. Grace Hopper has been published by the NSA. (Note that there are two parts.) It’s a wonderful talk: funny, engaging, wise, prescient. Remember that talk was given in 1982, less than a year before the ARPANET switched to TCP/IP and the internet went operational. She was a remarkable person. … Read More “Adm. Grace Hopper’s 1982 NSA Lecture Has Been Published” »
The latest in what will be a continuing arms race between creating and detecting videos: The new tool the research project is unleashing on deepfakes, called “MISLnet”, evolved from years of data derived from detecting fake images and video with tools that spot changes made to digital video or images. These may include the addition … Read More “New Research in Detecting AI-Generated Videos” »
I have spoken at several TED conferences over the years. TEDxPSU 2010: “Reconceptualizing Security” TEDxCambridge 2013: “The Battle for Power on the Internet” TEDMed 2016: “Who Controls Your Medical Data?” I’m putting this here because I want all three links in one place. Powered by WPeMatico
Google has backtracked on its plan to delete inactive YouTube videos—at least for now. Of course, it could change its mind anytime it wants. It would be nice if this would get people to think about the vulnerabilities inherent in letting a for-profit monopoly decide what of human creativity is worth saving. Powered by WPeMatico
A mafia fugitive hiding out in the Dominican Republic was arrested when investigators found his YouTube cooking channel and identified him by his distinctive arm tattoos. Powered by WPeMatico
Yesterday at the RSA Conference, I gave a keynote talk about the role of public-interest technologists in cybersecurity. (Video here). I also hosted a one-day mini-track on the topic. We had six panels, and they were all great. If you missed it live, we have videos: How Public Interest Technologists are Changing the World: Matt … Read More “Videos and Links from the Public-Interest Technology Track at the RSA Conference” »
James Mickens gave an excellent keynote at the USENIX Security Conference last week, talking about the social aspects of security — racism, sexism, etc. — and the problems with machine learning and the Internet. Worth watching. Powered by WPeMatico
Ross Anderson gave a talk on the history of the Crypto Wars in the UK. I am intimately familiar with the US story, but didn’t know as much about Britain’s verson. Hour-long video. Summary. Powered by WPeMatico
This is my talk at the RSA Conference last month. It’s on regulation and the Internet of Things, along the lines of this essay. I am slowly meandering around this as a book topic. It hasn’t quite solidified yet. Powered by WPeMatico